Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Orange Balsamic Glazed Butter Bars

I bought myself a years subscription to Better Homes and Gardens this past Christmas, and I have been loving it. The home ideas, while a bit overwhelming (and expensive), are fun to drool over and the recipes are always simple and delicious.

We had some guests coming over the other night and I wanted to make a dessert that was simple, but a little different from the usual brownies or cookies. I remembered a recipe I had seen in one of my Better Homes and Gardens magazines and I decided to give it a try, with a twist.

Start out with butter. Lots of butter.

When I make dessert bars of any type, I like to line the pan with parchment paper. That way, I don't have to worry about a disaster trying to get them out of the pan once they're done baking. They come out perfect every time!

Press the butter crust mixture into the pan.

Mix up the buttery topping.

A little nutmeg for an extra hint of flavor.

I added orange zest to the mixture - so refreshing and sweet.

All ready to go in the oven! Before and after baking.

Once the bars are baked, it's time for the glaze. This is where I really switched things up a bit. The juice of one orange.

Plus, balsamic vinegar and powdered sugar.

Add a little extra water if needed.

The consistency should be of elmer's glue.

Pour and smooth out, and add a little extra orange zest on top.

Cut into bars one the glaze has hardened slightly.

These things get even better after a day or two! They also make great gifts (especially when packaged in parchment.

Orange Balsamic Glazed Butter Bars Recipe:
Adapted from Better Homes and Gardens
Makes one 9x13 pan of bars
Butter Crust
- 1 and 1/2 cups flour (I like to use unbleached)
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup butter
Butter Batter
- 2/3 cup butter, softened
- 1 and 1/4 cups sugar
- 1/4 cup light corn syrup
- 1 egg
- 1/2 tsp almond or vanilla extract (I used vanilla because it was all I had on hand)
- 1 cup flour
- 2/3 cup half and half
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- Zest of one orange
- 1 and 1/2 cups powdered sugar
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Juice of one orange
- Orange zest (for garnish)

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a 9x13 inch pan with parchment paper.
- Mix together 1 and 1/2 cups flour with 1/4 cup sugar.
- Cut in butter and mix together with your hands until the mixture resembles fine crumbs.
- Press mixture into the pan and set aside.
- In a large bowl, mix together softened butter, sugar, egg, corn syrup, nutmeg, and vanilla or almond extract.
- Alternatively add the flour and half and half, mixing together completely between increments.
- Mix in the orange zest (at this point, the batter might look slightly curdled - don't worry! It will turn out just fine).
- Pour the buttery batter over the crust, and bake for 30 minutes or until the center is set and the top is slightly golden.
- In a small bowl, combine the powdered sugar, balsamic vinegar, and orange juice. The glaze should be thin enough that it falls off a spoon, but thick enough to be able to set once poured over top the baked bars.
- Once the bars have cooled, pour the glaze over top and grate a small amount of orange zest on top.
- Let glaze set for 15-30 minutes (you could even put the bars in the fridge at this point to speed up the process)
- Cut into squares and serve! They're even more delicious with a small scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on the side.

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