Monday, July 29, 2013

Green Smoothie

Most weekday mornings either myself or Jacob (depending on who has to be at work earlier that day) will whip up a big smoothie for us to share. It's a quick breakfast that can be taken on-the-go, but the thing I love most about these smoothies is that you start you day off with SO MANY good things entering your body. 

I also love that you can make these smoothies ahead of time and freeze or refrigerate them for another day. And, they're so versatile! You just need a few items for the smoothie base, then you can add whichever fruits, vegetables, and other things that you already have on hand.

This smoothie was actually a bit different than our usual, but I was in the mood to take pictures and figured it would suffice just fine.

Orange juice.

Next, fruit. Usually, this consists of two bananas and a peach (or berries if we have any on hand). This time around I had watermelon, cantaloupe, blueberries, and a peach.

Kale was the green for today, we typically use spinach but were out when I made this smoothie.

For a little extra substantial-ness, oats and raw almonds. Sometimes chia seeds if we have them on hand.

A splash of almond/coconut milk for a smooth and creamy consistency. This can also be substituted with yogurt or regular cow's milk.

And ice!

Blend, add ice, repeat.

The final product. Not quite as green as usual, and not quite as pretty as usual, but still tasted great. If you don't believe me, try making one yourself. You won't be disappointed and you'll feel great all day for it!

Green Smoothie Recipe:
Makes 2 very large (meal size) smoothies
- 1 cup orange juice
- 2 cups fruit, chopped
- 1 cup packed greens
- 1/2 cup yogurt, almond milk, soy milk, or cow's milk
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1/4 cup nuts
- 4-5 large ice cubes

- Blend!
- Serve in a mason jar for best results.
* Note - if using frozen fruit, you can leave out the ice. I usually use fresh fruit so I add some ice to give the smoothie a little extra thickness and to make it cold.

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