Friday, March 15, 2013

Weekend Breakfasts

Weekends. Ahh. The blissful two days of freedom we experience at the end of each week. Well actually, it wasn't until recently that Jacob and I have started to enjoy weekends filled with leasure activities and travel. During the summer months, Jacob and I work for a local caterer (Reid's Catering Company) here in Boone, so our weekends are typically filled with serving food (really good food, none the less) and beverages to rich people at weddings.

Since the wedding season is slow during the winter months and we both have Monday-Friday "normal" jobs, the weekends are ours. Now I'm sure you're wondering what I like to cook for breakfast on the weekends, right? I thought so. Here are some snapshots of breakfasts we've had recently.

French toast - made using Stickboy Bread Company's Challah. Topped with banana, dried cranberries, coconut, chia seeds, and raw almond butter. A little drizzle of syrup to finish it off.

Baked Oatmeal - with all the favorites mixed in, bananas, cinnamon, chia seeds, nutmeg. Topped with almond butter and a few drops of maple syrup. On the side? Grapefruit. Gotta love that citrus! 

Fried Eggs with bacon and toast - the ultimate weekend breakfast. Simple, yet so satisfying. I usually pair this breakfast with some fresh fruit.

And of course, there's the coffee - around our house we don't just mess around with coffee. Jacob is a quality coffee lover, and if I drank anything but the best my family may disown me. It's true, Jack does NOT take the coffee subject lightly. So here's a short tutorial on how we typically make our morning coffee.

First, you boil the water. Then, you grind the beans in the fanciest of fancy burr grinders (thanks Joel and Lin for the AWESOME wedding present). A burr grinder grinds beans in a more consistent, uniform way than a normal grinder does. It truly makes a difference, but is not a crucial step to good coffee.

Once the coffee is ground and the water is hot, we use a cone filter and cone filter holder to brew. The grounds go in the filter, and hot water is poured over the grounds and into a insulated carafe.

Jacob likes his coffee black, but I enjoy the indulgence of a little half and half and a few pinches of sugar. 

Nothing like it! And yes, we are coffee snobs.

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